Sunday, July 25, 2004

if ur looking for something new, well there isnt. so what the hell is up for the week? tomorrows just another monday. and i hate traffic every monday dammit. on tuesday though is my enrollment. deym. i still havent fixed my schedule yet because im all bummed up. and i have a pending enganal lesson i dont completely understand, of course, ive yet to study. take not, YET. wednesday lalalala is c++ laboratory hahah as if im eager. thursday, i have a bigtime break. 1-420, pucha nakakatamad pasok ng 420 class non and im thinking if id go home by 1, what u thinK? friday, come what may! saturday as well as sunday. haha. im out of money, gas. hah im fed up but im realllly looking forward into something this week.

Posted by 3xz at 11:03 AM

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