Sunday, July 11, 2004

been outdating this blog for a while. anyway:
- ctt144 has nice tire cover now
- hooked up with pusoy dos
- passed enganal 2nd exam but still is low
- 2.0 midterm grade in relstwo [boohoo]
- 4.0 second exam in introso; average of first 2 quizzes: 4.0 [well well]
- got new haircut
- the upcoming week's full of exams arghh
- stopped eating chikito!
- lost 5 lbs
- prompt in relstwo
- engcomp sucks
- played friggin ragnarok again
- updated this blog

Posted by 3xz at 2:33 PM

Hey Trixie, I'm surprised you lost 5 lbs. since your last blog was all about stuffing your pretty face with junk food! Tell me what your secret is because I love junk food but I have been staying away from them. Do share! :) Btw, good grades...proud of you! Love, Tita Pia
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