Monday, January 17, 2005

And now, eternity.

Be still now
I am with you,
I am deep within you;
You are at peace.
You cannot be harmed;
You will not suffer.
Breathe deeply,
Breathe in the healing love of the universe,
And breathe out the sickness which has taken you.
I am with you.

It's easy it's like breathing, its like a heartbeat, it's easy
Have not betrayed your ideals
Your ideals betrayed you
What are you going to do?

Your eyes will not close
Your tongue barely speaks
But I can still feel you

I can still feel you
So come, come relax,
Grin, let the changes in
Come on, come relax
Let the laughter, let the laughter
Let the laughter begin

Relax, grin, let the changes in.

Time is done
The sun has gone
It's too late
Eternity has come.

i hate posting lyrics but im allowing myself this time around. i hav definitely no idea what this song means but incidentally, its ambiguity seem to hav related to my life's whereabouts. im undergoing through something i cant precisely pinpoint and i dont like it, oh no no , i fvkken despise it. im always like this and well u shouldnt be surprised why in this world im posting this long article or whatever u call this bcos its not any of my habit posting what im going through. i just feel that i am so zeroed in the past several years. the way i relate to my friends, the way im influenced changed and of course my studies most especially suffer most. if u ask me, 'trix ano problema?' id give a casual 'wala'. and its an honest answer though, its fuzzy. or is it only me whining all over again... no i dont think so this time. everything changed and i dont know where but this seem not to be my lifestyle a week ago or two. what i can identify is that i miss my parents, my ate, my kuya, my goodgrades before and even my 24[...]. it feels as if what im gaining doesnt even out what im losing. and all ive left to do is to stare in front of this pc, type what im undergoing and make no solution to this overly vague problem. well thats about it, everythings pouring but im still very much in control. later

Posted by 3xz at 8:31 PM

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