Wednesday, November 09, 2005

here are some lies--they're pulling me down: Help me help me help me

"i feel my academic capabilities saturate! im afraid that im an underdog of my undergraduate Engineering batchmates. i do know why i feel this way but it seems impossible to draw the contours as to why i feel so. i know i shouldve outgrown the enthusiasm for this field, but electronics is a subject thats just too wide to understand for an underdog like me. i can try to like it but pretentions easily fail. i dont know how to attack problems in the exams, funny how my classmates say, exams are the ones that attack us."

These are lies formed by my wild imagination! The more i keep meditating on these lies, the more it comes into place. Bcoz i know that the ONLY attitude towards this kind of situation is What Is He Trying To Tell Me. If there's anything id ask for is the grace to understand this kind of circumstance of having myself drained in lies more than to understand how a differential and operational amplifier works.

Posted by 3xz at 12:24 AM

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